I like to think of myself as a giving person. I consistently promote other people and their work and enjoy doing so, but at some point, you will need help. Actually, I know you’ll REQUIRE help because we all need support in order to progress in our careers. This support could come in the form of a mentor, who has “been there, done that,” and can help you learn from their mistakes and successes. You may need support from your teachers, parents, friends, coworkers, the media, bloggers or whomever else one day. Asking for favors is a necessary evil and part of life.


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You won’t be comfortable asking for favors if you’ve never helped anyone else in the past. See, if you take care of your community, asking for help is a breeze. If you’ve give enough value to people in the past, the second you start asking for a favor, they will finish your sentence! Ignoring peoples requests will work directly against you in the future, when you need their support.