Authors Corner: Co-Authoring The Age of Conversation II – Why Don’t People Get It?

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And So it Began

Drew McLellen and Gavin Heaton are two of the top marketing bloggers in the world. They identified this new era of social media as the “Age of Conversation” a year ago. As the editors, they decided to recruit 100 of the world’s leading marketers, writers, thinking and creative innovators in a ground-breaking an unusual publication. I’ve actually never heard of any book that was created by so many authors at once and complied by two editors. The Age of Conversation talked about how we are living in a time of proliferation, where ideas are built on ideas and discussions grow from seeds of thought. Each author had to write 400 words about this topic and submit it to Drew and Gavin for review and inclusion in the book. The book was originally published by, but has no made it’s way to Amazon in paperback format. All the money was donated to the Children’s Charity known as Variety.

The times have changed and companies, colleges and individuals still don’t get it

Drew and Gavin changed things up for Age of Conversation II. Now instead of 100 authors, there are a total of 275 authors, all brought together with the same concept in mind, but for a different topic. People don’t understand social media and as a result, it was voted in as the title of the second book, which I’m proud to say I’m apart of. Although I have a very busy schedule, this is a very important opportunity for me and everyone else. To assimilate the sheer amount of ideas we have to offer, will make a piece of the ages. From networking, I already knew Andy Sernovitz, Ann Handley, Anna Farmery, Connie Bensen, Daniel Honigman, Greg Verdino and many others that are listed below. I look forward to working with all of them and the output. This will be a huge collaborative effort and you better believe my 400 words will centralize on the effects of conversation on the individual (personal brand). Aside from my book, co-authoring this one will diversify my background even more, but more importantly the network it’s tied to is very relevant to me.