Exploiting A Niche To Master Your Brand


Niche photo from ShutterstockIn building your brand, it may seem like an impossible task to become one of the most respected voices in a particular market segment. It is, however, possible, but not by force. The path of least resistance in becoming a respected voice in a broad market segment is to start extremely narrow.

Begin by evaluating your strengths within the broad segment, if there is one particular narrow niche that you can focus around, do so. You’ll find that by keeping your focus on the narrow, you’ll be able to expand once you have more clout.

If you, for (a really bad) example want to become one of the world’s most respected voices on apples (not the computers), it may make sense to first become an expert on Braeburn apples. Put all of your efforts into Braeburns, from your blogging efforts, social media efforts, even your in-person events and meetings. For a while, you will be the Braeburn person. After a while, you can easily expand to include Macintosh, Red Delicious and Golden Delicious.

Gain one point of strength and respect in your personal branding efforts, you can expand on that. Don’t try to take an entire market segment by force, at best you may seem foolish, at worst, you may come across as spammy and self-promoting. Niche your way to personal branding success.