Tag: Roger C. Paker

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7 Universal Design Tips for Stand-out Personal Branding

Design plays a crucial role in building your personal brand; use the 7 universal design tips to help your brand stand out from the competition & ensure your messages get read.

The appearance of your personal branding messages determines whether or not they will be noticed, read, and remembered.

At a glance, prospective clients,employers, and …

Articlesauthors cornerguest postMarketingPersonal BrandingSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

Make Your Personal Brand Stand Out From The Competition

Here are a 3 simple ways you can make your personal brand stand out from your competition:

Be helpful. Be brief. Be consistent.

Helpful, brief, and consistent will serve you well, whether you’re writing an article, a book, an e-mail, preparing a podcast, or delivering a speech.

Helpful (because it’s not about you)

Success is …