Tag: seth godin

Brand Yourself AsPersonal BrandingReputation Management

Response to People Who Hate the Term “Personal Branding”

I’m always surprised at the vehemence with which people say they hate the term “personal branding.”

“I’m not a brand, I’m a person!” they demand.

Except you are. As Kyle Lacy and I said in Branding Yourself, “A brand is an emotional response to the image or name of a particular company, product, or person.”…

authors cornerBook ReviewsPersonal BrandingSuccess Strategies

Write Your Brand-Building Book In Spite Of Yourself

Steven Pressfield’s Do the Work is for you if you’re finding it difficult to finish–or, even, to just start–to write your brand-building book.

Don’t blame yourself if you’re having trouble writing your brand-building book; blame the Resistance, the uncompromising force inside you that fights change–even when the change is in your best interest.

In the …

Brand Yourself AseBrandPersonal BrandingSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

Two Breakthrough Ideas That Changed My Life

Keeping up with information these days is like sipping through the proverbial fire hydrant. You don’t need to check your Twitter, Facebook, Google Reader, etc…..you already know what’s building up on the other side.

An avalanche of knowledge

That’s right, when the circle stops spinning or the screen is fully loaded – BAM – the …

magazineMarketingPersonal Branding

Free Sample: Personal Branding Magazine Issue 11 With Seth Godin & Guy Fieri

Personal Branding Magazine – Volume 3, Issue 3 How To Become Indispensable with Seth Godin Summary

Volume 3, Issue 3 is about becoming so important to your company, your customers and the people around you, that they can’t live without you. When that occurs, you’ll be making more money, have better relationships and wield a …

eBrandPersonal BrandingReputation ManagementSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

Claim Your Brand Name on Social Networks or Suffer

There has been much debate in the blogosphere about Seth Godin’s Twitter account. He never registered his name on Twitter and someone took it. This individual used his avatar, information and actually tweeted using this account. Fake Seth now has 4,375 followers and has sent 476 updates. Luckily for Seth, he blogged about this and …