Just because it’s been done in the past, or because your manager suggests it, or because you think you should do it–doesn’t mean that a newsletter is the right way to communicate with your customers.

There are plenty of newsletters that offer value and have long-time, loyal subscribers–and hey–if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

More than you bargain for

But, if you’re considering it for first time, make this mental note: a traditional newsletter can often be more than you bargain for in terms of the amount of time and energy it takes to create a good deal of fresh content on a regular basis. And, if it doesn’t serve its purpose–opens, click-thrus, conversions–it can get real old, real quick.

Here are a few quick alternatives:

  1. “Tip of the Week” Email. Short, concise and to the point. Write something that will actually help your customers and prospects–give them a small (but worthy) idea to mull over, or some brief instructions on how to get more value out of your product.
  2. Customer Testimonial Email. Just a few paragraphs about how another customer uses your product or a creative way someone customized your service. People love to hear what other folks are doing, and you can reap the benefits of a testimonial to boot.
  3. A Buzz-Condenser Email. There is so much media out there, that there is real value in having someone summarize it for you. Check out” = 3″ on YouTube. Creator of twice-weekly show “= 3”, Ray William Johnson has over 2.7 million subscribers on YouTube.  Sure–he’s funny and a good performer…but more than that, he condenses a world of content into what’s generating the most buzz for the week. People love to be in the know, but most often don’t have the time to sift through the sea themselves.
  4. The Quick-Value-Add Video Email. My favorite “newsletter” I subscribed to was a 60-second video from a data center owner who literally put on a timer in the video. Every week, without fail, he gave me a great piece of advice that was succinct and helpful–and I always knew it would take no more than a minute of my time.
See also  Six Tips For Building Brand Loyalty