Choose a Productive, Constructive Perspective Rather Than a Destructive

Personal Branding
Some take to teamwork like fish to water. Others feel drained by being in the company of other people. Successful managers leverage this fact.

If I haven’t made it clear enough in my last two posts, let me recap that if given a choice, your managers and colleagues prefer to have around them an individual who:


Has an inexhaustible good nature and is habitually affable.

Has a determined cheerfulness and is easygoing even in adversity.

Is happily disposed and always on an even keel.

Is flexible and not easily rattled. Doesn’t always have to have things go his or her way.

Is always pleasant.

Is uncomplicated, without drama.

Does not feel like a victim.

Continually chooses a productive, constructive perspective rather than a destructive, negative, sour, sullen, dissatisfied, agitated, and discontented viewpoint.

Debra is the co-author of the new book from McGraw-Hill titled, The Leadership Mind Switch (June, 2017)