During once of Facebook’s recent re-designs, the “bio” section became front and center on the “info” section of a Facebook profile. This change appears to have replaced the “about me” section which was historically at the bottom of a Facebook profile.

Re-thinking the strategy

For the entrepreneur, this means they need to re-think their branding strategy on the bio/about me section of their profile. This will be the first thing many viewers will read (as opposed to previously where they read your interests prior to reading your “bio”).

For entrepreneurs who use Facebook for personal branding, you should mention your business, your primary content objectives (what you will be posting), and all of your websites (blog, company, Twitter profile). In addition, you should mention the type of people you are specifically looking to connect with (end users for your company’s products, potential business partners, etc., etc.).

In addition, you should utilize the Facebook privacy settings and make the “bio” section visible to all Facebook users. You want the extra ability to promote your business/website as well as making it clear/visible as to who you want to connect with.

Happy Facebooking!

See also  Ignore and Build Your Brand