
girl-1453958_640It’s okay to wear an enthusiastic, positive attitude on your sleeve. That’s a constructive and productive point of view when coupled with plans to make it happen. A positive, optimistic approach will improve the outcome of any situation you are in, even if you’re the only one who has one.

Yes, I know that life is one darn frequently negative thing after another. It isn’t for sissies. However, you survive it by being emotionally resilient and limiting the negative things that you add to it. No doubt, there is a risk to your optimistic perspective; sometimes a naysayer is right. Still I would rather drive into my brain days of upbeat thoughts and actions than allow harmful, unhelpful, downbeat, and destructive thoughts to seep in.

Overly optimistic beats overly pessimistic any day.  As my long time friend and mentor, Curt Carter, says, “I’m always positive; sometimes justifiably.”