Tag: authors corner

authors cornerPersonal BrandingSound BrandingSuccess Strategies

Blogging Tips for Personal Branding Success

Blogging efficiency should play a key role in your personal branding success strategy.

The basis of a sound personal branding strategy lies in efficiency. From a branding perspective, efficiency is more important than occasional excellence.

“Occasional excellence is not enough; blogging and personal branding success require a process, or system, for delivering consistent performance”

To …

authors cornerPersonal BrandingSound BrandingSuccess Strategies

Evaluate Your Personal Brand Building Progress at Midyear

With July 4th behind us, this week is the perfect time to review your progress achieving your 2013 personal brand building goals and progress.

Evaluation plays an important role in any sound branding strategy; it provides an opportunity to monitor your progress and make changes where appropriate.

Here are some questions to ask yourself as …

authors cornerPersonal BrandingPositioningSuccess Strategies

Easy, Universal Blogging Idea for Personal Branding Success

Are you looking for an easy blog post idea that you can use over and over again to build your personal brand–regardless of your field?

Serendipity and a willingness to look for inspiration everywhere can play big dividends. Often, the best ideas for building your personal brand come from reading books outside of your field.…

authors cornerBrand MysteryPersonal BrandingSuccess Strategies

5 Writing Tips for Personal Branding Success

Writing plays a key role at every step in your journey to personal branding success.

Efficient and effective writing skills are central to your ability to express yourself and differentiate yourself from your competition, so you can get noticed, trusted, and assume increased responsibilities.

Here are 5 simple tips to help you improve the quality …

authors cornerCorporate BrandingPersonal BrandingSuccess StorySuccess Strategies

7 Content Curation Tips for Personal Branding Success

I’d like to share 7 simple content curation tips for personal branding success, based on a recently-introduced feature on one of my favorite blogs.


As I wrote Author’s Journey blog post a few weeks, content curation can be a powerful tool for personal brand building and corporate branding.

Content curation can save you time …

authors cornerBrand MysteryPersonal BrandingSuccess Strategies

A Single Incident Can Undermine Decades of Brand Loyalty

Brands are fragile; a single incident can undermine enthusiasm for a brand that took decades to build.

I’ve been a fan of one of America’s premier blues performers for decades, buying their albums, attending their concerts, and making it a point to visit their home base blues club on every visit to Chicago.

Last year, …

authors cornerPersonal BrandingSound BrandingSuccess Strategies

7 Writing Tips for Personal Brand Building Success

The writing habits that got you this far in your career may not be enough for personal branding success!

As we progressed through high school and college, few of us have had either the opportunity, or the necessity, to develop strong, efficient writing habits.

Last minute was usually good enough to obtain passing grades–or better–on …