Tag: phil rosenberg

Branding Your Resume
Brand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmentJob SearchPersonal Branding

Branding Your Resume As Technologically Current

Most employers today look for employees that already know how to use the software that employer uses. Branding Your Resume is important for employers to know what you can do.

Few employers have training budgets for new employees – to use their training budgets more efficiently, employers want to hire new employees who already have …

Brand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmentJob SearchPersonal Branding

Resume Personal Branding Best Practices Part 4 – Concise

Your resume communicates a personal brand in a snap.

That’s the entire purpose of your resume’s personal brand – to communicate a gut-feel first impression that you’re qualified and that you’re a superior candidate.

When your resume gets to a human being, it has to pass two quick snap-judgment tests:

The 6 Second Test: Are…
Read the Rest →
Brand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmentJob SearchPersonal Branding

Resume Personal Branding Best Practices Part 2 – Superior/Commodity

We’ve all been taught to create one multi-purpose resume that could be used for any job we might apply for.

This strategy worked before the days of digital resumes, job boards, online applications, and applicant tracking systems. It worked when there were shortages of candidates.

Branding yourself as a commodity just isn’t good enough anymore …

Brand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmentJob SearchPersonal Branding

Resume Personal Branding Best Practices Part 1 – Crystal Clear

Your resume makes an immediate first impression on your audience.

If your resume gets past automated pre-screening, your human audience reacts to your personal brand in two immediate ways. In the first 6 seconds of a visual review, your reader decides if you’re qualified or not based on gut feel (based on TheLadders recent heat …

Customize Personal Branding
Brand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmentJob SearchPersonal Branding

Job Search Improvements: Customize Personal Branding For Maximum Effect

Most job seekers use traditional job search techniques, branding resumes functionally and by level. You need to customize personal branding in order to stand out.

However, some smart job seekers customize their personal brand, fitting individual employer needs.

The traditional method: Functional and management level branding

Traditional job search techniques had been the same for …

Brand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmentJob SearchPersonal Branding

AOL Email Address Brands You As Technologically Obsolete

Your email is often the first thing an employer sees about you, so it forms part of your personal brand.

Many job seekers don’t think their email address matters. These are the same job seekers who unknowingly make it difficult to be found by email address for their job search and unknowingly brand themselves unfavorably.…

Brand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmentJob SearchPersonal Branding

Resume Botox: 9 Ways Your Resume Can Avoid Ageism

So many 40+ job seekers complain about age bias. But many 40+ job seekers don’t realize that the way their resume brands them may actually cause or amplify ageism.

I talked about this in last week’s column “Is Your Personal Brand Making Ageism Worse?“

This week, let’s discuss solutions to self-inflicted ageism, by examining ways …

Brand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmentJob SearchPersonal Branding

Is Your Personal Brand Making Ageism Worse?

You wouldn’t brand yourself as inflexible, non-current, stuck in your ways, unwilling to adapt new skills, tired, out of touch, retired-on-the-job, unmanageable, unwilling to take constructive feedback, or overpriced … would you?

Well, you certainly wouldn’t brand yourself this way on purpose.

Yet that’s exactly what many 40+ job seekers do, without realizing it.

Could …

Brand Yourself AsCareer DevelopmentJob SearchPersonal Branding

Why Do You Brand Yourself As A Desperate Candidate?

Few of us would brand ourselves as desperate on purpose. But many job seekers brand themselves as desperate without even knowing it.

Many traditional “tried and true” job search tactics can brand you as desperate today.

Why are tactics that used to be commonly accepted (even appreciated), now considered as desperation moves?

When the job …