You surely must know by now that there are certain realities upon which you can rely. One such reality is that life is not an endless succession of forward progress. While you may enjoy success, at some point or another you will also encounter frustrating challenges and disappointing setbacks.

You may have experienced a missed promotion. On the other hand, you may have lost a key client. Additionally, you may have had a relationship that abruptly ended for no apparent reason. Whatever the situation, you have experienced frustrating challenges and disappointing setbacks.

It is during these moments of hardship that you have your greatest opportunity to build on your brand. When you stare down these frustrating challenges and disappointing setbacks with an attitude of determination, you establish yourself as courageous and draw others toward you. People cannot help but want to know, like, and trust you more because of this mind-set.

Any challenge gives you three choices

When you meet with frustrating challenges and disappointing setbacks, life presents you with three choices. You can completely withdraw and essentially quit, but would you want to associate with that type of person? The answer is probably “no.” You are no different from most people – they are not interested in associating with those who have given up or disengaged in some manner.

On the other hand, when you meet with frustrating challenges and disappointing setbacks, you can choose to become jaded and bitter. Again, do you want to associate with this type of person? The answer is probably a resounding “no.” You have no interest in having the toxic attitude of someone else burden you, no matter how they came into it.

Finally, when you meet with frustrating challenges and disappointing setbacks, you can choose to resolve that you will find a way to overcome and then adopt the actions to make that happen. Do you want to associate with this type of person? Absolutely.

Hardship equals brand building opportunity

There is little question that people love an underdog. Further, they cannot help but rally around one who is battling to overcome some sort of setback or hardship. By demonstrating an attitude of courageous determination, you cast yourself in this light.

Others want to draw from this strength and they hope to take inspiration from it. In any event, they cannot help but want to get to know you better and cannot help but want to get to like you more.


Frank Agin is the founder and president of AmSpirit Business Connections. In addition, Frank is the author of Foundational Networking: Building Know, Like and Trust To Create A Lifetime of Extraordinary Success and the co-author of LinkedWorking: Generating Success on the World’s Largest Professional Networking Website and The Champion: Finding the Most Valuable Person in Your Network.