Category: authors corner

authors cornerPersonal BrandingSound BrandingSuccess Strategies

Blogging Tips for Personal Branding Success

Blogging efficiency should play a key role in your personal branding success strategy.

The basis of a sound personal branding strategy lies in efficiency. From a branding perspective, efficiency is more important than occasional excellence.

“Occasional excellence is not enough; blogging and personal branding success require a process, or system, for delivering consistent performance”

To …

authors cornerPersonal BrandingSound BrandingSuccess Strategies

Reading and Personal Branding Success

Although the connection between writing and personal branding success is  obvious, the connection between reading and personal branding success is often less clear.

Nevertheless, reading plays an important role in your ability to write.

The more you read, and the more critically you read, the better you’ll able to write the articles, blog posts, books, …

authors cornerBook ReviewsPersonal BrandingSuccess Strategies

7 Signs It’s Time to Reinvent Your Personal Brand

Last week, I read Dorie Clark’s Reinventing You with great interest; it’s a relevant book for anyone interested in personal branding success.

Reinventing You, subtitled Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future, Reinventing You offers a step-by-step guide for evaluating your current brand, your career goals, and the branding success strategies that will help you achieve …

authors cornerPersonal BrandingSound BrandingSuccess Strategies

Business Fundamentals for Personal Branding Success

Personal brand building and career success require more than charisma, confidence and passion; you need to know the fundamentals of business and financial management.

Regardless whether you’re planning to continue working for others until you have saved enough to start your own business, or you want to start your own business as soon as possible, …

authors cornerCareer DevelopmentPersonal BrandingReputation Management

Why Workplace Etiquette Matters

Our 24/7 instant-access virtual world has taken the “person” out of “personal,” especially in the workplace. Until we all turn into robots with hard drives, I suggest we take a breath and slow down long enough to remember that we are all living, breathing people with feelings who get passionate, tired, burned out, excited, worried, …

authors cornerPersonal BrandingSound BrandingSuccess Strategies

Evaluate Your Personal Brand Building Progress at Midyear

With July 4th behind us, this week is the perfect time to review your progress achieving your 2013 personal brand building goals and progress.

Evaluation plays an important role in any sound branding strategy; it provides an opportunity to monitor your progress and make changes where appropriate.

Here are some questions to ask yourself as …

authors cornerPersonal BrandingSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

Visual Marketing and Personal Branding Success

Visual marketing is an essential and sound strategy for personal branding success.

No matter how competent, confident, and experienced you are in person, or how comfortable you are sharing the story of your personal brand using words, your career depends on your ability to visually communicate your ideas and build your brand using social media.…

authors cornerBook ReviewsPersonal BrandingSuccess Strategies

Creating Thought Leadership for Personal Branding Success

The strongest personal brands are anchored by published books that establish the author’s thought leadership, or proven expertise, in their field.

Unfortunately, however, authors with subject area expertise often publish their first book too late!

The best time to write and publish a book is before you need it, while you have a secure job …

authors cornerPersonal BrandingSound BrandingSuccess Strategies

Using Six Hats Thinking To Build Your Personal Brand

Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats can help you strengthen your personal brand as a valued team member and potential leader, playing an important role during meetings.

Although originally published in 1985, Edward de Bono’s Six Thinking Hats continues to play an important role in creative thinking for leading businesses and governments around the world. …