Accomplishments are an important part of your personal brand. No matter what field or industry you’re in, you always want to have a compelling story handy to tell potential clients or employers about yourself.

Not sure what your accomplishments are, or how to determine them? Make sure to read my previous post on How to Determine and Sell Your Differentiation.

Easy to use tracking tools

Although everyone means to write down important accomplishments, it’s easy to let it get away from you. Then, six months later, you’re struggling to remember the hard numbers or statistics you wanted to use on your resume, business cards or website.

Here are a few easy ways to start keeping track of your accomplishments:

Google Docs

The great thing about Google Docs is that you can update your document from anywhere. All you need to do is log in to your Google account and update the document. Google Docs even automatically saves it for you every-so-often – so no more problems with forgetting to click “Save” or losing valuable information.

Word Document/Spreadsheet

Start a word document or spreadsheet with your list of accomplishments. Just make sure to save it in multiple places! You wouldn’t want all of your information to be lost because of a crashed computer or lost flash drive.

List Apps

There are many websites out there to help you create lists so you don’t forget important information, like TeuxDeux. Many of these are also available as applications or mobile websites for your cell phone – so you can add information from wherever you are.

Of course, there are many other ways to keep track of accomplishments and case studies.