Upside to Business

A caution about your pouring your heart into your “art”: it will spark jealousy.

Surprisingly one of the toughest parts of success is finding a colleague happy for you. But as they say, “Anyone can get pity. Jealousy you have to earn.”

Following the advice in the PersonalBranding blog might cause you some trouble. When you persistently do off-the charts good work, the unintended consequence is that you make other people look bad. That can create a problem for you because frankly, people are often envious of your effort and success. It’s crazy, but you will be reviled by some for your exertion. They are afraid you’ll make them look inferior—their worst fear. I’ve asked many CEOs what was the biggest surprise they experienced once becoming CEO, and the majority told me some version of being taken aback by how many enemies they then had.

Important note: June, 2017, McGraw-Hill will release my latest book, “The Leadership Mind Switch”.  Bob Eckert, former CEO of Kraft read it and said, “Simply put, it’s the best leadership book I’ve ever read.”  I invite you (well, really, encourage you)  to go to Amazon and preorder now. Thank you in advance!