break habits

Penguins  in Antarctica are described by scientists who have studied them for 23 years as undaunted, without self doubt, and with a good attitude.

That’s my definition of confidence. Once somebody’s got confidence, you’ve got something.

What confidence is not:
-moral superiority
-organization-chart title
-tan skin and white teeth
-grin and grip

What does confidence feel like? You:
-you no longer need approval

-can change your mind
-have grit
-make decisions
-delegate sooner
-have more freedom
-have better coping methods
-feel worthy
-get followers
-go over, under, around, or through problems

-experience more happiness
-take chances that changes your life
The surprising cost of confidence:
-envy from others


If you don’t have it in yourself, no one will have it in you.


New book by Debra Benton, The Leadership Mind Switch (McGraw-Hill, June, 2017). Advance purchase available on now.