Repeat often: Brand. Character. Quality. Cast. Class. Grade. Sort. Species. Type. Make. Whatever you call can't have too much of it!

Repeat often: Brand. Character. Quality. Cast. Class. Grade. Sort. Species. Type. Make. Whatever you call it…you can’t have too much of it!

As you learn brand new tasks and expectations and begin integrating into the business culture, the first few weeks of a new career can be challenging. Starting a new role remotely adds to the hurdles.

The first month of a new job is vital to setting yourself up for success, and it’s considerably more difficult when doing so electronically.

While your boss or HR team may have set particular goals for your first three months on the job, it’s up to you to take the initiative and plan how to achieve them.

Recruiters and leaders are specialists in matching professionals to positions that best suit them, as well as helping them succeed in their new roles. Here are some tips for preparing remote workers for their first 30 days.

Celebrate your brand!

Your efforts have paid off, and you have a new job. Promotion is next.

Update your LinkedIn profile and publish about your enthusiastic new work transition. Connect with teammates and bosses on LinkedIn.

Dedicate a brand work area.

Instead of floating from your sofa to your kitchen table and back, create a designated location free of loud noises and distractions. This will help you stay focused on the task at hand and enhance your productivity.

Arrive with a solid brand foundation.

A heavy meeting and training schedule may be taxing, especially when learning virtual training.

Even if you had investigated the firm during interviews, go over your notes, examine the company’s social media, and keep up with current industry developments. Verify leadership faces and names using the corporate website or LinkedIn.

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Contact HR.

They can assist you in getting the technology, handbooks, and other things you need to be productive and efficient. Ask HR about:

  • Branded IT equipment, including monitors, mice, and headsets.
  • Ask if you should download Zoom, Microsoft Teams, or other company-approved software.
  • See whether they have good virtual backdrops for video conversations and a calendar of meetings.
  • Ask if you should study a virtual manual or other training material beforehand.

Test it out.

Test your tech setup to confirm it works, that you have the latest software downloaded and updated. Make sure that you have all the links and login credentials you’ll need. Check your video conferencing platform brand with a buddy to ensure sound and visual quality.


Even virtually, your image matters.

Prepare your first-day attire ahead of time, respecting the business dress code. Assume that working from home involves wearing casual clothing during video chats.

Become a morning pro.

Your commute may wait, but your morning routine should be practiced one to two days before your start date.

Wake up and prepare for brand work as usual. Make sure everything works as if it’s day one.

Your first 30 days will likely feel like a fire hose. In order to retain as much knowledge as possible, you must be mentally and physically alert.

Establish a daily regimen.

When working from home, it’s easy to slumber until your first meeting of the day is barely around the corner.

Instead, create a morning routine that includes self-care and mental clearing. Exercise, reading, meditation, or a walk can all help. This guarantees you are refreshed and ready to work when you log in.

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Soak up.

Learn everything you can about the position, brand, company, industry, and individuals you work with. Comprehend the firm’s culture, expectations, and history.

Get off silent and inquire.

Take advantage of every training opportunity, such as observing meetings and taking notes to ask questions afterward.

Be proactive in seeking knowledge because you won’t be able to ask a coworker a question or overhear fresh ideas. Before asking for help, try Google first. Your brand may need outside help. Every week, dedicate time to researching industry trends and current events.

Decide on a style.

Examine the ways in which you can effectively interact with coworkers. Determine desired communication channel and frequency, as well as who to contact with questions.

Persuade others to interact with your brand.

Keep your camera on during meetings to demonstrate participation and active listening.

Attend meetings prepared to ask questions or contribute suggestions. Always express gratitude and genuine interest in the person on the other end of the line. Don’t forget to bring your personality, creativity, and unique ideas to every meeting.

Bring life to your video calls.

On the video, smile, nod, and establish eye contact with others. Turn off your own self-view to better listen to others. Assume there will be occasional lag time during the call.

Request regular contact with your boss.

Ask for feedback on your work. Can you adjust your conduct, communication style, follow-up, etc.?

Bring a list of questions or concerns to discuss during one-on-ones. Accept their candid critique.

Speak up!

Company dynamics or hidden expectations are often best understood by brand teammates.

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Maintain strong relationships with team members of all roles and levels. If your company has a mentorship program, take advantage of it.

Build a network.

Rather than waiting for people to approach you, ask your management and coworkers who else you should meet.

Arrange virtual coffees or lunches with more seasoned employees to discover what makes them effective. Connect with others who also started recently. These folks have presumably had similar issues and may offer advice on how to overcome them. Use their suggestions in your work.

Send thank you messages to your trainers. That will “brand you” as grateful. Thanking them goes a long way in making them feel valued and establishing a good first impression.