Tag: writing tips

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7 Tips For Increasing Your Writing Productivity

Content is the currency of content marketing for personal branding, but productivity–i.e., your ability to write as efficiently as possible–is the lever that can speed your journey to personal branding success.


Whether you’re writing articles, blog posts, resumes, books, or ebooks, to build your personal brand, the fundamentals of writing productivity remain the same.

Use …

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7 Writing Tips for Small Business Owners

The following 7 writing tips for small business owners who dislike writing have little to do with grammar, vocabulary, or inherited talent.

The reason many small business owners dislike writing is that they don’t give themselves a chance…they don’t have a simple structure, process, system, for creating the ongoing stream of content needed to build …

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Writing Tools, Part 3 – iPad Applications for Authors

In less than a month, my Apple iPad, quickly became an essential writing tool helping me save time building my brand by planning, writing, promoting, and profiting from published books.

This is not to say, of course, that the iPad is a replacement for desktop or laptop computers. But, the iPad certainly complements them, adding …

authors cornerguest postPersonal BrandingSuccess Strategies

Tips For Building Your Personal Brand by Writing Less

Build your personal brand by improving your ability to write concise, compelling, and informative content.

Conciseness is the biggest challenge many face when writing to build their personal brand. There’s more written about choosing topics, organizing information, and online delivery systems than there is about writing as concisely as possible.

What has been written about …

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Mark Twain’s Advice for Authors Writing Brand-Building Books

Early this week, I discovered a quote by Mark Twain that offers advice and perspective for those who want to write a book to build your personal brand.

Mark Twain’s quote addresses the reason many entrepreneurs fail to accomplish big goals–like writing a book; they have great ideas, but fail to take action.

Why many…
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Are You “Paralyzed by Potential?” Get Over It!

Many potential authors remain potential authors not because they don’t have ideas or can’t write, but because they’re paralyzed by potential; they never write a personal brand building book because they are so trapped by what they could write that they never get started and finish their book.

When you’re trapped by potential, you never …