What Do Flint McGlaughlin and Coco Chanel Have in Common?

Brand Yourself AsPersonal BrandingReputation Management

Flint McGlaughlin is the Managing Director and CEO of MECLABS, an organization that conducts content and optimization experiments to improve the performance of sales and marketing programs.

Coco Chanel, a pioneering French fashion designer, is considered one of the world’s most elegant women.

So how can the two possibly be compared? Certainly, Flint is very elegant…but, here’s the point:

Coco Chanel said: “Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and remove one accessory.”

Dr. Flint McGlaughlin says: “Clarity trumps persuasion.”

Just as Chanel’s fashion was a statement, so, too, is your content. Before you send out that email, publish your whitepaper, or decide on your value proposition, take a good look and remove all the extraneous, persuasive words and make it clear.

If you’ve said everything you need to in order to get your point across, stop writing just to fill up the white space.  🙂