roger c. parker

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7 Universal Design Tips for Stand-out Personal Branding

Design plays a crucial role in building your personal brand; use the 7 universal design tips to help your brand stand out from the competition & ensure your messages get read.

The appearance of your personal branding messages determines whether or not they will be noticed, read, and remembered.

At a glance, prospective clients,employers, and …

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7 Habits of the Successfully Published, Part 7: Inspiration

Successfully published nonfiction authors do more than share information; they inspire their readers to take action.

Their writing has a contagious enthusiasm and momentum that builds the reader’s confidence and compels them to take immediate action.

Telephone books and dictionaries are full of information, but they hardly inspire!

Books that only provide information often die …

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Picture Your Personal Branding Strategy

Christine Chopyak’s Picture Your Business Strategy: Transform Decisions with the Power of Visuals shows how you can picture your journey to personal branding success from the present to the future.

Visual thinking is one of the most important success strategies in business and personal branding today. Previous articles, like Resume Tips for Projecting a Creative …

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Lessons in Personal Branding Success from Jay Conrad Levinson

The personal sadness so many felt last week, after learning that Jay Conrad Levinson had died, emphasize that an individual’s personal brand extends far beyond their accomplishments.

Few authors and advertising/marketing professionals have achieved as much brand-building success as Jay Conrad Levinson.

Before creating his own Guerrilla Marketing brand of best-selling marketing books and educational …

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Mindfulness and Personal Branding Success

If I asked you, “Are you actively building your personal brand?” you’d probably immediately respond with an enthusiastic “Yes, of course!”

However, what would happen if I asked you, “What have you done today to build your personal brand?”

You might pause before answering. After a moment, you might respond that you’re going to “do …

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Content Marketing and Personal Branding Success

Content marketing–telling stories and sharing helpful, relevant information–plays a key role in building your personal brand.

Although branding is usually discussed in terms of behavior, the quality of the content you prepare for building your personal brand, or the building your employer’s corporate brand, is equally important.

“As many speakers at Content Marketing World 2013 …

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Building Your Personal Brand When Things Go Wrong

Corporate and personal brand building is easy on sunny days when everything is proceeding on schedule.

This is true, whether you’re an employee, a self-employed professional, or a huge corporation–like one of the largest airlines in the world.

The real test of a brand’s commitment to brand building customer service is when everything goes wrong…like …

authors cornerCommunication & NetworkingRelationships & Personal GrowthSocial Media

Daily Blog Posting and Personal Branding Success

Daily blog posting is a proven, practical way to build your personal branding success…no matter how busy you are.

If you’re starting to build your personal brand, or you want to jump start a stalled personal brand, daily blog posting can make a big difference in a short amount of time.

And, it’s not as …

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Book Marketing for Personal Branding Success

In today’s content-oriented world, book and ebook marketing are essential tools for personal branding success.

Books and ebooks offer a fast-track to your personal branding success. They demonstrate your expertise, showcase your understanding of your prospects’ needs, and prove your ability to help others solve their problems and achieve their goals.

Whether you’re goal is …