
Note: I have 14 other podcasts on my YouTube channel.

I shot this video when I came home from work. It takes me so much less time to do a podcast, rather than to do a full fledged written post. I also like to switch up how I deliver content, to make things more interesting. After shooting this podcast, I feel that I need to talk even more about how personal branding relates to gen-y in the future. There are so many opportunities and obstacles ahead of the new generation, it is simply amazing.

It’s hard to type the word dedication without putting emotion behind it. That is why I chose to do a podcast. During my talk, I mention a few items that I’ve talked about in prior posts, such as gen-y vs gen-x and “name brand advantage.”

What I really want you to get out of this is that without dedication, your passion won’t cross the success chasm. Life is about delivery and execution and the results and benefits from those actions. Be dedicated to your work and see it through and the results will show.

Honorable mentions of dedicated brands: Monica O’Brien, Cody McKibben, Melanie Lopez, Matt Goldberg, Justin Dickinson, Devin Reams, Dave Fallarm and Dustin Jacobsen