I think it’s time for a reality check: If you’re on the internet today, you are building your brand. Whether you like it or not, you are building your brand. It is time to think about and take control of your most valuable asset, you.

Do you use Facebook? You are building your brand. What you post, what you share, what you make public, all of this is building your brand.

Do you use Twitter? You are building your brand. What you retweet, content you share, what you post about, all of this is building your brand.

To our younger audience who thinks that Facebook is for “old people“… do you use Tumblr? You are building your brand. Think twice about how what you share today will affect your job prospects in the future, you are building your brand.

Things aren’t ever deleted on the internet, once it’s there, it’s there. You can try to hide it, you can try to remove it, but it will remain forever. Whether you like it or not, you are building your brand. Take control.