Category: Interview

Career DevelopmentInterviewPersonal BrandingSuccess Strategies

Tips for Developing your Quantified Self

How do you measure your efforts?

What do you measure?

What don’t you measure?

I recently read an article in the Harvard Business Review by Michael Schrage about Developing your Quantified Self. The point of the article was that interviewing people is changing. Instead of asking seemingly irrelevant questions like:

How many golf balls would …

Career DevelopmentInterviewJob SearchSocial MediaWorkplace Success

Stand Out in Your Email to an Employer

Hiring managers are inundated with resumes. Before opening a resume, they critique the email that it comes with. This means your email address, your written communication, your spelling, and your attitude are all evaluated, before they even look at your resume.

In reading Lazlo Bock’s NY Times Best-selling Book, WORK Rules, I learned some valuable …

InterviewJob SearchSuccess Strategies

The Do’s and Don’ts of Marketing Interviewing

For the majority of companies, marketing recruiting is one the most difficult human resources activities. Subject complexity has made it nearly impossible for HR representatives to determine job applicant aptitude based on their technical abilities.

What they do know is their desired end-goal. With limited knowledge, hiring managers and recruiters do their best to determine …

Career DevelopmentCareer ResourcesInterviewJob SearchPersonal BrandingWorkplace Success

5 Smartt Tips for College Students


Getting the right job when you’re done with college starts during college. You’re competing against your college grads for those jobs!  How do you secure the job you want and beat the competition?  Here are my top 5 recommendations to get that job offer.  SMARTT TIPS!

During college, work!…
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Career DevelopmentInterviewJob SearchSuccess Strategies

13 Phrases to Impress Your Interviewer

The overwhelming majority of interviewees who fail to impress a hiring manager do so because they are unable to incorporate dynamic and thoughtful phrases within their interview answers.

You can have the most impressive theories on business, the most intriguing insight on success, and the most pertinent information to deliver, but if you don’t learn …