
board-939244_640Not everyone was born to take risk. But sometimes circumstance calls upon us to do so. When a once in a lifetime opportunity is presented, we have to say “Yes!” or the regret of not having done so will remain. Make it a habit to accept and quietly go get help to boost confidence.  This becomes your power play.

It is the lessons we learn along the way that shape and propel us forward


Are you willing to embrace the attitude to try, fail, learn, and then try again? Not everything works out to perfection. Many times the opportunity will quickly sour. The willingness to learn from the lessons encountered translates into something gained. This type of thinking is what propels growth and future success.

In the past, have you turned down opportunities that you wonder about today? Consider what you might do differently in the future. In the meantime, consider implementing these three actions from now on. They will put you on an improved course.

Three Actions to Embrace:

  1.  Question
    Ask for the details of the offer. Understand how the idea developed, the work required upfront, and the benefits to be derived for all parties involved. Be certain to ask why you were selected. What did the asking party see in you and your talent to bestow the honor? This provides insight as to what others see in you. Ask all of the questions that come to mind including the anticipated outcome by joining forces, in order for you to make a sound decision. Most of all, determine if the offer meets with your values and priorities.
  2. Accept
    Once you recognize a scary but outstanding offer, say, “Yes, count me in!” At your first opportunity, pay for the education needed in order to be prepared to deliver excellent results. The important factor is to always strive to deliver with excellence. Your reputation and personal brand become well-recognized as you take all of this into consideration.
  3. Learn
    Pressure will loom over you as you undertake learning new strategy and working with new people. Be willing to learn as much as you can from both the negative and positive experiences. Either outcome will expand your knowledge and scope for the future. It all circles back to attitude.This practice, over time, is what paves the road to success. As you look back, you will recognize that all of the learning and experiences combined will have erased the fear!

Sales Tips:

  1. Look fear in the eye
  2. Say yes to incredible opportunity
  3. Rise to new occasions
  4. Study and implement as much as possible
  5. Continually review what is working best
  6. Get help as you need it
  7. Network with people of a seemingly higher capacity
  8. Learn from every experience and every person you meet
  9. Deliver your best
  10. Celebrate how far you have come

Following these guidelines will lead you to the Smooth Sale!