Inspiration As a Soft Skill: How Can You Find It?
Inspiration is a huge resource that provides the soil not only for art but also for work and a lot of other things in human’s everyday life.
Let’s explore those things that can raise our level of inspiration and help us to be much more productive.
Try new experiences.It is well known that new …
Hey! Say “No.”
The power of “No.” Change, upheaval, uncertainty, stress, and difficulty have been regular features of our lives over the last couple of years. And it seems that many of …
From Outer Flaws to Inner Fulfillment
Women in our society are not only aware of our perceived flaws — we’re obsessed with them. We spend countless hours and paychecks avoiding them or fixing them. We ruminate on our shortcomings day and night. They tend to consume us…and we let them. Achieving inner fulfillment can easily start to feel like a pipe …
A Quick Guide to Time Management
The ability to effectively manage your time is essential. A well-organized time management system leads to increased productivity as well as productivity. It also reduces stress and produces greater …
Corporate Career Development – Is It Really About You?
If you’ve ever worked for a company, you’ve most likely had one of those career development talks with your manager. If your manager was any good, you were discussing your strengths, and how to grow in the areas of your passion. However, the career development within a company is, of course, focused on the company …
To Give And Receive – My Personal Advice Experiment
This week, I chose a day where I was going to listen and be influenced by others. As one who has given a lot of advice over the years, I thought my “day of advice and recommendations” would be a great gauge to see if I was as open receiving it as I thought I …
Personal Branding Interview: Pamela Mitchell
Today, I spoke to Pamela Mitchell, the founder and CEO of The Reinvention Institute, Inc. (TRI), author of The 10 Laws of Career Reinvention: Essential Survival Skills for Any Economy, and columnist for
In this interview, Pamela talks about the process of career reinvention. She also provides examples of those that have made the …