Tag: writing

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Writing versus Content Curation for Personal Branding Success

Which is better for personal branding success–writing fresh content or curating content written by others?

Content curation has been in the news lately, and there’s a lot to be said for it.

Benefits of content curation

Content curation offers an efficient way to build your online visibility and position yourself as an expert in your …

Career DevelopmentMarketingPersonal BrandingPositioningReputation Management

Writers Need to Promote Themselves, or Go Unread

Writers hate marketing. Or most of them do. They hate promoting themselves, talking about themselves, or drawing attention to themselves in any way, any time, ever.


Writers — for the most part — are humble, and don’t like to “brag” about themselves. Of course, they equate “bragging” with telling people they just published a …

authors cornerBook Reviewsguest postPersonal BrandingSuccess Strategies

Are You “Paralyzed by Potential?” Get Over It!

Many potential authors remain potential authors not because they don’t have ideas or can’t write, but because they’re paralyzed by potential; they never write a personal brand building book because they are so trapped by what they could write that they never get started and finish their book.

When you’re trapped by potential, you never …