Tag: maria elena duron

Personal BrandingReputation ManagementSocial Media

Personal Branding Weekly and Using Twitter’s Recommendation Wall

Personal Branding Weekly

Are you starting to feel the “fall season” settling into your area?  Use this as a perfect reminder to update your profiles and review your networking platforms.  This past week Glassdoor shared some great tips on how to do that while Oscar and Jeff shared how to deal with mistakes and the …

InterviewJob SearchPersonal BrandingReputation ManagementSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

Personal Branding Weekly – Moving from We to Me

Personal Branding Weekly

From working with a career coach to great email etiquette techniques, last week’s Personal Branding Blog posts focused on  being authentic, building a brand and even reviewing the political landscape and personal brandings.

Here’s the articles you might have missed:

Cool, Clever Trends Help Personal Branding! by Deborah Shane If I Were…
Read the Rest →
Personal BrandingSocial Media

Personal Branding Weekly – Facebook Pages Win Word of Mouth

Personal Branding Weekly

Editor’s Note: This week took us from covering how career advancement is progressive to how your personal brand can survive as mom, entrepreneur and executive. The Young Entrepreneur’s Council even chimed in on the importance of interesting content.

Dive on in to the list of posts and glean information that’s helpful to …