Category: gen-y

Career Developmenteventsgen-yMe 2.0Personal BrandingSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

The Road to Me 2.0: Presentation at MIT and Book Cover Revealed!

I’ve been thinking about when to start promoting my book, and let’s face it, I already have. The one big detail I haven’t revealed is the cover or the structure of the book. The official title of my book is called “Me 2.0: Build a Powerful Brand to Achieve Career Success.” I’ve spoke about how …

Career Developmentgen-yguest postNetworkingPeoplePersonal BrandingSocial MediaSuccess Strategies

7 Personal Branding Tips for College Graduates

Guest post by David G. Heiser, college senior and intern.

Sponsored: Online college degrees can make candidates out of the previous unemployable

It’s strange to think about it because it’s only October, but for seniors like me, entry into the real world is quickly approaching. We may not want to accept that our final summer …